Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This post will be in 3D!!!


I haven't been to the movies in a long time because:

1) I only go on Tuesdays for free popcorn and drinks because I'm too cheap otherwise.
2) I can't go on Tuesdays because Lost is on at 8.

There have been some flicks that people have been raving about recently; Avatar and Shutter Island. I don't have a lot of time (or money) these days so if I do go out to the old cinema, I don't know which one I'd see. Here's my dilemma.

Movies nowadays are less about plot and character development but about famous faces and visual effects. Big explosions, cheap laughs and women in bikinis. It's not taht I have anything against those, it's just that those are easy to produce and because of that, people are producing them non-stop. One once in a while comes a movie that makes you reevaluate your life and think about the last time you did anything nice for someone.

There are also the movies that are the package deal. They have all the spectacular graphics and effects with a plot that tries to support all the wild things you see on screen. In my opinion, these movies usually fizzle out 20 minutes into the movie. They try too be too "artsy" or "deep", and with this, continuity and flow are sacrificed. But I mean, I guess they tried.

So back to my debacle. Do I go see Avatar for it's mesmerizing and unbelievable settings in spite of it's Pocahontas-esque story line? (By the way, I hate Pocahontas. Weakest songs on Disney movies by far) Or do I go see the mind-warping psychological thriller that is Scorsese's Shutter Island?



P.S. This post was infact in 3D. Get it?

He does.


  1. The 3D in Avatar is pretty cool at first, but it gets overwhelming after awhile; I was feeling pretty dizzy at a couple points in the movie. Personally, I think it's a very weak movie, and I probably will not be seeing it again.

  2. I will probably end up seeing both!
    And yes, I've heard it kind of get overwhelming after a while.
    I never go to the Ex because I get dizzy easily...
