Monday, October 18, 2010

I told you so

I saw Jackass 3D tonight. I laughed, I cried, I peed a little and THEY pooped a lot.

Considering I went to the 10:30 pm show on a Sunday night, the turn out was crazy. I'm pretty sure every seat in the theatre was taken up. I went with about 10 of my good friends, all hoping for the best and boy we were not disappointed.

The ideal audience for movies like these are the ones who will laugh without restraint among his or her fellow man or woman. Luckily it was a great bunch and everyone was able to have a hearty laugh together.

Now yes, it is humour in its most primitive form, and if you ride your horse too high, you won't be able to enjoy it. But, if you like to step down once and a while and get your boots muddy, then please go watch it.

Jackass 3D. Cheap laughs and quick thrills. I recommend it.

(Disclaimer: There's not THAT many male genitalia and poop scenes, but the ones they have are funny/glorious/gross. I think the positives outweigh the negative)

On the other side of the fence...

The Man. The Legend.

Did everyone check out the season finale of Mad Men tonight?

It's always a pleasure to watch Don Draper get into his work and women, and this set up many things for next season. I'll try to talk about this without giving away any spoilers since a lot of people I know have PVR'd it or plan to stream it within the next few days.

1) His personal life seems good, but the move he just made is definitely going to interfere with his work life. I foresee many complications with Peggy.

2) Henry Francis is kind of cool. I hated him and Betty, but after what he said in this episode, I now have a bit of respect for him.

3) Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce seems like it's going to pick up again!

4) There was no strong cliffhanger at the end of it, which doesn't give me the antsy unsatisfied feeling you should get as you wait for the next season.

5) I hate Betty.

What did you think of the finale?


  1. jackass 3D and even jackass 2 for that matter, both have looked great, shot in hi-def and highspeed. even the movie as a whole seems less strewn together silly montages and definitely more conceptualized. the music selected for the film was perfect, and sometimes touching! these guys, although their careers and existence have been based on silly barbaric, yet oddly human stunts, obviously have and always have had an artistic vision. the movies, although totally ridiculous and pure entertainment, now come across not as stupidity caught on film, but something more similar to performance art. ****.5/5

  2. The picture that they showed during the credits definitely added more to their character too. Thanks for the comment, Stef!
