Friday, November 5, 2010

Mad Tunes

Do you watch Mad Men? If you answered "no", please stop reading.

Seriously, you're not going to get anything out of this.

Fine, but I warned you!

For those of you that do watch Mad Men, and maybe some that don't, you'd probably be able to recognize the iconic opening title sequence anywhere.

Here it is for those of you who don't watch it. Tsk.

According to a source (Wikipedia), it was inspired by Hitchcock.

His movie poster for Vertigo:

And the opening sequence for North by Northwest:

I think that one of the biggest reasons why the opening is so good is because of the music. The song is called "A Beautiful Mine" by RJD2, an American hip hop producer. It sets a mischievous tone, making us ask ourselves whether we are about to be hoodwinked a group of chain smoking, whiskey shlucking ad men.

You can listen to the full, unedited version of the song here if you'd like. If you play percussion, you'll definitely appreciate it!

A group of folks loved it so much, that they decided to cover the song themselves. When trying to think of lyrics for it, they realized that a famous melody could be sung over top of the music. So, they rounded up a bunch of talented musicians, a studio, and a full crew to do a full out production of this. It's really something else, so check it out.

Nat King Cole? Yes, please. Hot lady singer with pretty voice? Yup.

Watch Mad Men! Season 4 ended just a couple weeks ago, so now is a great time to catch up!


  1. Top 2 links "embedding disabled by request" on YouTube; what a bunch of killjoys.

  2. Ah, unfortunate.
    Fortunately for you, it's just one extra click to watch!

  3. where can I watch it online... everything says free then it's not!
